The Death of the Cookie: Where Do Online Marketers Go From Here?

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Merkle research recently revealed 61% of surveyed executives will increase data clean room investments to gain ad effectiveness understanding. It’s a direct response to growing privacy concerns and fading cookie reliance.

Enter data clean rooms, a data collaboration idea that’s gaining favor with a widening circle of performance-minded marketers. The walled garden environment of clean rooms offers clear data insights with strict privacy limits. Those limits have given rise to a new class of analytic tools that help sharpen ad spend analysis and understanding. This playbook examines clean room practice and opportunities, including:

  • How data clean room environments offer more robust data enrichment, smarter campaign planning, and better measurement
  • 4 steps that illustrate what to expect from clean machine learning in terms of data scoring and privacy compliance
  • How brands can quickly achieve meaningful assessments of their paid media investment through data clean room analytics


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